How To Prioritize and Execute: Get Things Done on Time#Time management 14. November 2022/by Suneedh Kumar/9 min readGetting things done is not easy. In fact, it’s one of the hardest things to do in life and work. But if you are able to prioritize and execute, striking the right balance between identifying what’s important and getting tasks completed, your performance will significantly improve in no time. That being said, getting things done can be very challenging, especially when you have so many shifting priorities every day. It doesn’t matter whether you are a project manager or a team member: If you want to get more things done and enhance your work performance while reducing stress levels, read on for some useful tips and tricks that will help you stay organized and productive throughout your workday. Keep track of your tasks Prioritize And Execute: Key Concepts For Achieving Your Goals As a team leader and a project manager, one of your most important tasks is to make sure that your team members and employees are able to achieve their goals. To do that, there are a couple of key concepts that you need to keep in mind. Define your goals: What are your most important goals? What can you achieve within a certain period of time? What missions will help your projects succeed? Make sure to write these goals down so that you can refer to them whenever you need to. Organize your tasks: Make sure to keep your tasks organized based on the type of work you do. For example, you can create a project for each of your goals with tasks or action items that contribute towards achieving that goal. Create a vision board: A visual board will not only help you stay committed to your goals but will also allow you to visualize your results and monitor your progress. Prioritize and execute: You need to prioritize your tasks using your goals as a guide so that you can make sure that you are staying on track and getting things done. First, focus on the most important and urgent things that need to be taken care of. These are the tasks that need to be completed and cannot wait. Then, move on to the tasks which are important but not urgent. They can be done in your own time but need to be completed regardless. Don’t waste your time on things that are neither important nor urgent. How Do You Prioritize And Execute As A Team Leader? As a team leader, your primary goal is to help your team members achieve their goals with adherence to your leadership principles. To do that, you need to communicate with your key leaders and team members. Here are a couple of ways that you can prioritize and execute with your team members: Assessing your tasks: Before you assign your team members tasks, you need to first assess the tasks that you have. You should always be seeking input from team members and set one priority. Make sure that the top priority is aligned with your goals and objectives, and that they are something that your team members can easily accomplish. Communicating with your team members: Once you have assessed your tasks, you need to make sure that you are communicating these tasks with your team members. This will not only help your team members stay organized but will also allow them to get a clear view of what they need to do every day when things rapidly shift. To inculcate these principles in your organization, you can use the timesheets feature from TimeTrack. It can also be used to monitor the tasks and hours worked by your staff members. Along with absence correction and data storage, it has all the same functions as a paper timesheet. This will make it easier to complete all tasks before the deadline. Principles Of Extreme Ownership As an individual who is responsible for his or her actions, you need to take extreme ownership of your actions. In other words, when you are prioritizing and executing your tasks, you need to ensure that you are doing so in a way that is beneficial for your business and team members in terms of target fixation. You can have problems developing such a plan and choosing your next priority. For that, here are principles of extreme ownership that you can keep in mind: Be proactive You need to identify problems and challenges as soon as they arise, and then find solutions and move on. Be accountable You need to accept your mistakes and learn from them. If you make a mistake, you need to make sure that you apologize and make reparations when appropriate. Be responsible You need to take your responsibilities seriously and make sure that you stay organized and productive. Be prepared You need to be prepared for anything. When issues arise, you need to make sure that you are ready to face them head-on and take the necessary actions. Be decisive You need to make decisions even when you don’t have all the information. You need to weigh the pros and cons of your options, remain calm and make a decision based on that information. Your decisions should not be based on immediate emotional reactions. Be persistent You need to be persistent in your goals and make sure that you don’t give up even when the going gets tough. Take at least a step toward your goals Be accountable You need to take ownership of your actions and make sure that you are doing what you can to achieve your goals. Be loyal You need to be loyal to your team members, company, and customers. You need to be honest, transparent, and reliable. Set goals Prioritize And Execute: Do’s The first thing that you need to do when you are prioritizing and executing your tasks is to make sure that you are using the right tools to do so. You can do this by using a productivity app such as TimeClock to keep track of your tasks and plans, or a project management tool to organize your projects. The next thing that you need to do is to create an action plan and put in the highest-priority effort for the highest-priority task. An action plan will help you stay focused on your goals and tasks, and will also allow you to stay organized and in control of your time. An action plan is a list of the steps you must take to finish a job. To create one, simply list the actions you must perform in the correct order to achieve your target. To do this, first determine every action you’ll need to do to complete your goal. Then, examine each task to determine if any may be eliminated or delegated. Always be ready to organize and prioritize things on quick notice and avoid distractions. We lose time each time as we struggle to maintain focus, which costs us money. Gloria Mark, an expert on disruptions at California State University, estimates that it takes a typical 23 minutes and fifteen seconds t go back to the job after getting distracted. You need to set clear goals and not multitask to avoid getting distracted by many things. Keep your phone on silent while you are working to clear out any useless distractions. Finally, make sure to celebrate your success. When you achieve a goal, make sure to celebrate it so that you can stay motivated to achieve even more. Prioritize And Execute: Don’ts The first thing that you need to avoid doing when prioritizing and executing your tasks is to not multitask. Multitasking will not only lead to increased stress and reduced productivity, but it will also make it difficult for you to stay organized. Another thing that you need to avoid doing is letting your emotions get the best of you. Do not set your priorities based on your impulses and always weigh in things before prioritizing them. Benefits Of Prioritization In Your Business Real-life benefits When you are prioritizing and executing your tasks, you are making sure that your team members are completing the most important projects on time and within budget. This will not only help your business but will also allow your team members to achieve more with less effort. You will also be able to reduce stress levels when you prioritize and execute your tasks. This will help you perform better in your job, and will also allow you to enjoy life outside of work more. You can also improve your relationship with peers and customers when you are prioritizing and executing your tasks. This will allow you to understand what your customers want and need from your business, and will help you deliver on time. Conclusion Although you should always anticipate challenges, getting tasks completed can become much easier if you opt for the right strategy to prioritize and execute. To help with your priorities and keeping a track of your time, you can use the platform called Timetrack. The TimeClock app from TimeTrack assists you in adhering to the most crucial time management rules in your daily schedule and in remaining productive. It has a timer, schedule, and monitor that display how many hours you need for tasks and how much you can cut back on. It is a good tool for folks who wish to know how much time they need for jobs and projects. TimeClock is a fantastic time management tool that can be customized to meet your needs, all from your smartphone! TimeTrack: Timesheet and a terminal clock Suneedh KumarI am an engineer with a keen interest in technology and a passion for growth-hacking. I’ve covered technology of all shapes and sizes, and reviewed everything from software to hardware. Prior to writing for TimeTrack, I have written for Lulu, DoorDash and many more brands. 1335 2000 Suneedh Kumar Suneedh Kumar2022-11-14 10:00:012025-01-20 21:13:40How To Prioritize and Execute: Get Things Done on TimeYou might also like Use Operations Meeting Agenda to Make Your Feedback Sessions Effective Manage Duties Effectively Using a Visual Task Board How to Manage an Ad Hoc Project Effectively to Achieve Desired Results Curb Non Productive Time at Work to Boost Efficiency The Value of a Time Management Mind Map Proven Methods of Planning for Those Who Like to Plan Ahead Create a Productivity Checklist for Maximum Efficiency How to Keep Track of Clients with a Client Tracker