Priority Management System: Choosing a Smart Way to Be Productive


At any given time, you and your team are likely juggling a variety of projects, initiatives, and other responsibilities. But how do you know which tasks to prioritize to ensure the most effective team performance? A priority management system (PMS) can help.

A priority management system is a structured set of processes that helps teams identify and track high-value activities—and then consistently implement those same principles in future endeavors. By categorizing work according to the urgency of tasks, it allows companies to plan their projects and team operations

What is a Priority Management System?

A priority management system is a method used to identify and track high-value activities. A PMS can be used to track anything, from goals and projects (e.g., moving a new initiative from an idea to implementation) to smaller tasks (e.g., your daily to-do list).

In essence, a PMS enables you to track and manage your progress across all areas of your life by helping you identify and prioritize the most important things you need to do each day, week, or month based on your goals.

A PMS can take many forms. Some people prefer using digital tools like software programs or online project management apps, while others opt for a pen and sticky notes.

Since every priority management system is different, you’ll need to pick the one that works for your organization and goals.

Why Use a Priority Management System?

A priority management system is a structured way of keeping track of tasks and goals. It allows you to identify which tasks are most important and when they need to be completed. In this way, you can ensure that

(a) nothing falls through the cracks and

(b) every task is completed according to a predetermined timeline.

A good PMS is especially useful for those who feel overworked or overwhelmed. Sometimes, we get so busy with day-to-day tasks that we can’t identify our top priorities. A PMS can help you focus on the things you should be working on and will map out when those things need to be completed.

By clearly defining which activities to prioritize, you can eliminate the guesswork around scheduling. This means you can spend less time figuring out what to do next, and more time actually doing it. And when you’re more efficient with your time, you can achieve more goals.

A good PMS can also help you avoid the trap of multitasking. This is especially important for those who sometimes struggle to focus on one task at a time.

As understanding and assessing your time usage scenario is essential for both priority management and time management, TimeSheets may be a game changer for developing a realistic and consistent master list. With the use of a timer, TimeSheets will assist you in keeping track of your time. You can also use TimeSheets to help your teams establish a working schedule.


Prioritize and organize

Essential Priority Management Strategy Tips For Time Efficiency

Identify your output

You can’t manage what you don’t track. Before you can start managing your time, you need to identify what activities you actually spend your time on and how. Next, figure out how much time they take exactly to the minute. This will help you determine which tasks consume most of your time.

Create a to-do list

Next, create a to-do list. This can be as detailed or as general as you’d like, depending on how much detail you want to include. You can break it down by day, week, month, etc. Start off by taking one big task and dividing it into three or four small tasks to make them more achievable.

Group similar tasks together

Once you’ve created your to-do list, group similar tasks together. This will make it easier to prioritize tasks and see which ones are more time-consuming than others.

Prioritize tasks according to value

Once you have all of your tasks listed, prioritize them according to their value. This will help you see which tasks you should focus on first.

Review your to-do list often

One of the best ways to stay on top of your tasks is to review your to-do list frequently. Doing so will help you stay focused on your most important tasks and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Useful Priority Management Methods For Time Tracking


Prioritize your tasks

Keep a daily log

One of the easiest and most effective ways to track your time is to keep a daily log. You can do this manually (i.e., write down how much time you spend on different activities throughout the day) or you can use software that tracks your time for you.

Set up a reminder system

If you’re having trouble remembering to track your time, set up a reminder system for yourself. This will help ensure that you don’t forget to track your time.

Track your weekly totals

Once you’ve gotten into the habit of tracking your time, you can move on to tracking your weekly totals. This will help you identify which tasks are consuming the most of your time.

Create a task list

A classic approach to priority management is maintaining a running task list. You can track your tasks on a written list, in a digital To-Do app, or even on a wall. However, you should remember that relying on a written task list can make it harder to track what other people are working on.

Use a project management system

A popular alternative to task lists is a project management system, which helps you track and report on larger initiatives, such as a marketing campaign.

Opt for kanban boards

Kanban boards are another common tool for tracking projects and initiatives, which are broken down into visual signals, columns, work-in-progress limits, a commitment point, and a delivery point. They’re typically used in the context of software development, but they’ll be useful to anyone who finds value in visualizing their work.

Use scorecards

Another useful tool for prioritizing tasks is keeping scorecards. With this method, you assign a rating from 1 to 10 to every task you do. The higher the number, the more important it is.


A priority management system is an umbrella of structured ways to keep track of tasks and goals. It allows you to identify which tasks are most important and provides a timeframe for their completion. Once you’ve set up your system, you can consistently track your progress.

It can help you and your team stay focused on the most important tasks at any given time. When you use a priority management system, you can effectively plan and prioritize your work based on your goals.

And while sometimes, identifying the most important tasks may be easy, the most valuable part of a PMS is the consistency with which it’s implemented. Using the same system over and over again ensures that you’ll always be working on the right things at the right time for success.

You can track your working hours away from the workplace with TimeClock, which keeps track of each employee’s entries. The data is also kept offline, so you don’t need to be online to access it via your smartphone. It is a great time management tool that offers customization according to your needs and helps you track time in an efficient and better manner.


TimeTrack: Timeclock