Time Tracking in the Home Office#Time management 20. March 2020/by Ivana Spiridonovic/4 min readThe term “home office” has been a major topic for several weeks now. As a result of the Corona crisis, many companies have decided to allow their employees to work from home in order to protect their health and to maintain operations at the same time. Since this decision was made at very short notice in many cases, many employees are having difficulties with the changeover. In recent days, the Corona crisis has severely restricted not only our social life but also our working life, forcing many of us to continue their daily routines from home. For many companies the home office is the only possibility to continue their business. In some industries, such as the IT sector, there are no major problems caused by the imposed restrictions. In fact, any company that operates predominantly online can easily switch to a home office. In order to make the home office as pleasant as possible, companies should establish some rules. Find out how employees can continue to work productively outside the regular workplace and how TimeTrack can help with time tracking in the home office. Communicate more than usual When teleworking, the company must ensure contact with its employees and the transmission of important information from the company. In order for the work process in the home office to run smoothly, all employees must be kept fully informed. Not only managers, but all employees should follow this tip. Schedule daily status meetings It is important to create a routine in the home office. For this reason we recommend daily status meetings. From our own experience we can say that 2-3 meetings are good (in the morning-early afternoon- before finishing work). Obviously each company has to decide for itself how many meetings are necessary. However, keep in mind that more communication is always better. Convey a team spirit No one looks over your shoulder in the home office. The biggest challenge for managers is to trust their employees and to keep track of their work. Through transparent communication and regular meetings, most employees will continue to work productively, as they will feel the team spirit despite their physical absence. Check whether teleworking fits into your corporate culture Not every company is made for the home office. Many industries will not be successful with telework and should therefore consider a different working method. During the Corona crisis, for example, some restaurants switched to delivery service in order to maintain their operations. Time Tracking in the Home Office The same rules apply in the home office as in the workplace. The employer must ensure that the legal working hours are documented daily in the home office. The online time tracking tool TimeTrack will help you. Measure the performance of all employees A web-based time tracking tool, such as TimeTrack, supports employees in documenting their daily working hours and in the cooperation of distributed teams. To ensure that employees are productive, they should start measuring their performance. Simply enter each task you are working on into a project time tracking app and note how much time was spent. This way every company has a central overview of all activities of its employees, even though nobody is at the same workplace. It can be that simple. Time Tracking with TimeTrack How employees feel in the home office depends on the measures and regulations that companies implement. TimeTrack wants to support you as much as possible during the transition and make your working day as pleasant as possible. At the beginning it can be difficult to carry out all the tasks in the home office that are usually done at the workplace. TimeTrack is a modern time tracking software that wants to help you to document your working hours accurately so that you can keep up with your projects in your home office. This way you won’t have to worry about managing your projects despite the current confinement. Set up the tool in a few minutes and keep a perfect overview of your performance despite the major changeover you are experiencing. You can test our software free of charge for 14 days. Find out more about TimeTrack. With this being said, we wish you all the best in the upcoming weeks and most importantly: Stay healthy! Your TimeTrack Team Ivana SpiridonovicTime management is an important topic for companies, whether small or large. As a trained business economist and expert at TimeTrack for many years, I deal with the topic of time tracking on a daily basis. I would like to share with you the tips and tricks I have discovered in the field. I also like to write about my experiences in project management. I attach great importance to team management, manageable work processes and transparent communication – in my opinion the basics for every successful project. https://www.timetrackapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Zeiterfassung-im-Home-Office.jpg 1280 1920 Ivana Spiridonovic https://www.timetrackapp.com/wp-content/uploads/logo-new.svg Ivana Spiridonovic2020-03-20 13:54:112021-10-30 19:32:09Time Tracking in the Home Office