We are constantly developing TimeTrack and adding new features. The TimeTrack changelog gives you a quick overview of the latest updates and features.
Version 6.83.2
- Redesigned Document Upload: Documents can now be managed in the project overview. New upload option available directly in the scheduling view.
- Rejection Notes: Leave and absence requests can now include a reason when rejected.
- Copy Teams: New feature to easily duplicate entire teams.
- Bonus Only for Assigned Overtime: New rule available – bonuses apply only on days with assigned overtime.
Version 6.79.6
- Sorting of absence types: Absence types can now be sorted according to your wishes – regardless of when they were added to the system.
- New permission for task plan: Decide who can see tasks of all employees.
- IP address restriction: Limit access to your TimeTrack account to defined IP addresses – for more security.
- Import of working time models: Working time models can now be imported very easily.
Version 6.74.1
- Task numbers for projects: You can now add task numbers to projects – ideal for operational data collection.
- Improved task planning: The design of the task planning interface has been revised and improved.
- Change log: The change log now shows whether an import via FTP was successfully completed.
- New hashtag option: You can mark times with hashtags to exclude them from surcharge calculations.
Version 6.71.1
- Reports can now be filtered by projects or clients for greater flexibility.
- Sorting and the number of entries in reports have been expanded for: users, clients, projects, rasks, hours overview, project tracking, project billing, overtime, and overtime carryovers.
- The import function now allows defining who will receive confirmation emails about successful imports.
- It is now possible to integrate hours and vacation balances into workflows via FTP export.
- The export for employee master data has been made significantly more flexible.
- The timesheet export for DATEV now offers three options: time entries, absences, and bonuses.
Version 6.69.0
- In the weekly view, you can now easily copy the expanses with a single click on the copy icon.
- Task plans from previous weeks can now easily be duplicated.
- Users without admin accounts can now access specific employee data, such as HR managers reviewing attendance, absences, and related reports.
- User permissions have been enhanced with skills management: It can now be specified who is allowed to create, edit, or delete skills.
- Time off requests now display an icon indicating who is responsible for approval.
- In project time tracking, you can now configure whether overlapping time entries are allowed.
- Workflows for overtime carryovers have been made more flexible.
- The API has been expanded to include a rate table for working hours.
Version 6.68.2
- The Geofencing feature (GPS time tracking) is now available in the mobile app for attendance and project time tracking. You can specify whether employees can track time manually, through project timer, or both.
- If you prefer employees to use QR codes exclusively for time tracking, this can now be set up in the mobile app. Additionally, QR code tracking can be combined with GPS tracking.
- You can now copy time entries or attendance records from previous weeks with a single click in the calendar.
Version 6.64.1
- Key lists, such as attendance, absence, approvals, and reports, can now be sorted according to custom priorities.
- A rotating work schedule can now be assigned to employees, allowing for the definition of short and long weeks that repeat in cycles.
- New fields, including work schedule, entry and exit dates, birth date, and gender, have been added to the new user import process.
- Terminal access points can now be imported into TimeTrack.
- The change log now shows which device was used for time tracking.
- Permissions now allow you to set whether employees are allowed to take shorter-than-specified minimum breaks.
- Tasks can now be filtered by skills.
Version 6.60.1
- Workflows can now be configured to send notifications if no project times have been recorded.
- Workflows can now be set to email timesheets.
- Automatic import and export options can now be set up via FTP in TimeTrack.
- Project time recording can now be time-limited by defining project start and end dates
- New fields have been added to the general settings for data export (project number, employee number, user employee number, etc.).
- New fields have also been added to the general settings for data import (appointments, project hourly rates, attendances from third-party systems, etc.).
- It is now possible to activate holiday bonuses for specified times.
Version 6.56.1
- Time entries captured with the time clock are now automatically marked as approved.
- Missed rest periods are now displayed as warnings in the duty roster, timesheet, and working time overview.
- The current work time model of a user can now be copied.
- You can now set the validity period (start and end date) when assigning work time models to multiple users.
- Reports on time entries or expenses can now be exported as CSV, Excel, or .zip files. Additionally, the break format can be selected.
- A new filter has been added to control reports, allowing reports to be filtered by project times.
Version 6.53.1
- It is now possible to disable the automatic break deduction for project times.
- Project notes can now be viewed when creating a new time entry.
- When creating time entries in projects with active project tracking, information about the remaining budget and time is now displayed.
- Vacation corrections can now be created through workflows.
- It is now possible to create hour corrections through workflows, allowing for automatic payouts of up to 10 overtime hours per month.
- The vacation overview now shows which absences contribute to each value (requested, planned, consumed).
- You can now specify an employee’s vacation entitlement in hours instead of days.
- After restarting the time clock following a break, the last used hashtag is automatically added.
- It is now possible to determine whether overtime caps should be applied on days without required working hours.
- Assigned overtime is now considered when applying overtime caps.
- The working time overview can now be exported as a CSV or Xlsx file.
- Users can now be imported via a CSV file.
- Absence calendars can now be created with various configuration options. These calendars can be integrated into mail clients like Outlook or Gmail via URL for seamless integration.
Version 6.46.1
- You can now attach hashtags from time entries or expenses as a column in PDF invoices.
- You can now configure working time models to count holidays as working time, generating required and actual hours on holidays.
- You can now transfer hour balances and remaining vacation days from the previous year for multiple users at once.
- Recurring appointments can now be created.
- Additional filters and a full-text search have been added to the approval matrix.
- Approval rules can now be directly viewed and managed within user profiles.
Version 6.42.1
- You can now export PDFs containing appointments, which can be grouped by employee or by day.
- Project time entries can now be displayed as background entries in the appointment planner.
- Project time entries can now be manually created from appointments in the appointment planner. It will also indicate whether the appointment matches the corresponding time entry.
- You can filter appointments by hashtags or related time entries.
- You can now configure the system to automatically create time entries from appointments as soon as an appointment is created.
- It is now possible to generate a QR code for a project. These QR codes can be scanned in the Mobile App to automatically start the project time clock.
- Projects can now be automatically copied, including project assignments, complete project planning, hourly rates, and travel cost model assignments.
Version 6.41.9
- It can now be configured whether an employee is allowed to request more time off than their annual vacation entitlement.
- When an employee requests compensatory time off, they can now see their remaining time balance.
- The change log now records which device (e.g., Web App, Mobile App, Terminal App) was used to make changes.
- A new approval process for overtime has been introduced. Supervisors, such as team leaders, can submit requests that require approval from a matrix authority (e.g., the works council). Approved overtime is then reflected in the employee’s timesheet.
- You can now create overtime allowances and caps and assign them to users through their working time models.
Version 6.39.1
- You can now request hour corrections, including requests for overtime payouts or converting work hours into compensatory time off.
- Hour corrections can now be created through workflows, including automatic payouts of up to 10 overtime hours per week.
- You can now optionally restrict login methods (Web App, Mobile App, Terminal, Browser Extension) for individual employees, teams, or departments.
- Work schedules can now be created in advance according to working time models via workflow. For example, you can schedule employees’ work hours a week in advance.
Version 6.38.1
- You can now configure approval rules to apply to sub-departments as well.
- The Reports and Analytics view has been redesigned to improve performance, especially with large volumes of entries. Additionally, amounts and times can now be grouped by user.
- Notes are now displayed as a column in the attendance list view.
- A popover feature now allows you to view attachments for expenses and time entries without opening the full form.
- Tasks and appointments are now displayed in the week view.
- Notes from travel expense reports are now included in the generated PDF.
- You can now set a minimum break duration in work and break time rules. Optionally, shorter breaks can be counted as working time.
- Filter for Billable and Non-Billable Entries in Project Billing: You can now filter entries by billable and non-billable in project billing.
- A full-text search feature is now available for absence requests.
Version 6.32.1
- You can now set up an approval process for project times, allowing you to specify precisely who can approve which entries for whom.
- An approval process for working hours can now be established. It’s possible to clearly define who can approve which working time entries for whom. You can also configure whether attendances always need approval or only when working time regulations (such as break rules, daily maximum working hours, or rest periods) are not followed.
- You can now set minimum rest periods within break and working time regulations.
- The minimum duration of a break can now be specified in break and working time rules. Optionally, you can also decide that breaks shorter than the minimum duration should be counted as working time in the timesheet.
- You can now lock timesheets for multiple employees over a selected period using a workflow.
- It is now possible to set workflows to execute at hourly intervals.
- Absences can now be requested for dates more than one year in the future.
- You can now enter project times by project, activity, and day in hours, directly from the week view.
- Employees designated or requested as a delegate will now receive notifications via email.
- Expenses and time entries can now be edited directly within the invoicing process.
- You can now download photos and receipts associated with entries during the invoicing process.
- It is now possible to attach photos and receipts to the PDF version of invoices during the invoicing process.
Version 6.24.1
- You can now assign a delegate during your absence. This delegate will have access to all users that the absent user can see for the duration of the absence.
- When submitting a leave request, the remaining vacation days for the current vacation year are now displayed. There’s no need to click on the hours or vacation overview to see the remaining days.
- Project managers and team members can now see the project when creating new entries. Project managers have visibility into all entries related to the projects they manage.
- Admins can now perform bulk data changes within the Reports and Analytics view. For example, entries within a specified timeframe can be reallocated from one project to another with a single click.
- You can now specify whether the Note and Activity fields are mandatory on a per-project basis.
- Hashtags can now be selected in the project time clock.
- Hashtags can now be organized into multiple categories (hashtag types), including: General, Attendances, Absences, Project Times, Planning, Travel Expenses
- You can now recalculate hourly rates within projects.
- Hourly rates can now be defined in a table format for a combination of employee, client, project, and activity.
- You can now specify the currency to be used on a per-project basis.
- It’s now possible to centrally manage which menu items employees can see within the app.
Version 6.22.3
- It is possible to define in the project settings whether the activities or notes are obligatory for the entries of this project.
- The project managers and project members can be defined for projects. A project manager can see all entries posted to his projects in reports and analyses or in the weekly view.
- It is possible to create extensive hourly rates for projects. Here you can define any combination of users, activities, customers and projects, an external and internal hourly rate.
- Hashtags now have a type. This type is used so that the hashtags are organized. For example, for attendances, only hashtags of type Attendance/General are suggested.
Version 6.20.5
- One can now also search for deactivated users and manage their data.
- If the determined project budget is exceeded, you get a warning.
- Personio integration has been added. You can import users and export timesheets.
- A new flat rate type has been added to the invoice settings. It is possible to specify from how many hours the hourly rate will be due.
Version 6.12.5
- Now it is possible to export the attendances and users to the Quickbooks interface.
- The view of the rule setting in the travel expenses feature has been optimized.
- The project-lock view for the mobile view has been optimized.
- Projects can be filtered by project number.
- The colors of individual projects can be changed and are now no longer dependent on the color assigned to the customer.
- Absence types can be filtered between enabled and disabled.
- In the timesheet PDF, the weekends are displayed darker.
- The abbreviations of the weekdays have been added to the timesheet PDF.
- Public holidays are no longer displayed as 0 hours, but are adjusted to the specified target hours.
- In the configuration of automatic shift planning, the items “Split shift types evenly” and “Consider shift types” have been added.
- The tooltip in the leave overview has been extended.
- There is an option to increase decimal places from 2 (by default) to 3 or 4.
- The permissions regarding team and department manager attendances can be edited.
Version 6.12.1
- Hashtags are displayed on the weekly view and in attendances in the calendar.
- The expense management feature has been enhanced, and travel expense models now simplify expense tracking.
- Warnings are displayed in the timesheet when employees exceed their daily working hours. Admins can set the maximum amount the employee can work per day.
Version 6.9.2
- It is possible to restrict the working hours according to the assigned shifts.
- When a duty roster is created, users can also assign themselves to shifts.
- The status of the previous month (hours, remaining leave and bonuses) is displayed in the timesheet PDF.
- One can add hashtags in the attendances and filter by the tags in this regard.
- The absence calendar can be exported as ICS. You can import the absence calendar to Google Calendar, for example.
- In the timesheet export (CSV and Excel) you can enter multiple users and choose any time period.
Version 6.8.18
- In the invoicing you can now block the time entries. This means that the time entries for the respective invoice can no longer be revised.
- The admins can transfer the overtime of their employees from the previous year. Thus, the time compensation can be managed without any effort.
- In the absence calendar, you can now name leave requests with hashtags and filter them accordingly.
Version 6.8.13
- In user rights you can now create templates that are assigned to the selected employees. If you decide to make a change in the template, the user rights of all users of the specific template group will be updated. The changes no longer have to be recorded manually.
- In Workflows, TimeTrack now has a notifications window where you can track the progress of the workflow. If one of the workflows contributes an error, you can see it immediately.
- In Workflows it is now possible to send automatic e-mails to selected users to inform them with reports. For example, users who work more than 10 hours of overtime will be automatically notified with an email.
Version 6.8.9
- Some improvements have been made to the workflows: They can now be (de)activated and copied to save time.
- In the appointment scheduler, absences are now displayed in red. This way, it’s less likely for an absent employee to be selected.
- In the control report it’s possible to edit active clock ins in the calendar. It is also possible to start or stop the project time and work clock from the control report.
- Project tracking can be exported as CSV or Excel. Furthermore, the filter by customers and projects has been implemented.
Version 6.8.4
- A new feature has been added to TimeTrack: The Workflows. With the intelligent workflows you can map different business processes quickly and easily. Define the times when rules and actions should take place to save time. For example, you can define a rule according to which absences of the type “sick leave” are automatically approved.
Version 6.8.0
- From now on, you can lock projects for a certain period of time if you do not want time entries of the respective projects to be changed. This way, no one can add, remove or edit time entries.
- You can define the approval of absence depending on the type! Determine whether approval of an absence is necessary. Requests with this absence type will be approved automatically, saving you additional time (such as with the “Home office” absence type).
Version 6.6.4
- In the appointment schedule, employees can now see not only their own appointments, but also those of their team colleagues (with the appropriate authorization). This creates more transparency within a department or team and enables better communication.
Version 6.6.2
- On the mobile iOS app, it is now possible to view not only the duty roster, but also the appointment schedule! Employees can quickly and easily access their duties, request shift swaps or submit shift requests at any time while on the move. This enables quick communication in case of ambiguities in the shift planning.
Version 6.6.0
- If you have stored notes for a customer, the option to transfer them from the customer data now appears in the appointment scheduler.
- Do you want to check whether your employees have clocked in near the address of the project? The GPS control report allows you to do just that. Define the maximum distance your employees are allowed to clock in far from the address.
- The Excel export in the hours report has been adjusted. Now you can define whether the target and actual columns should be exported additionally or not.
- If a user is absent for a day, he will no longer be offered a shift swap as an option.
Version 6.5.2
- In the control report, you can get an even faster overview of the start and end time thanks to the additional information in the tooltip.
- The invoice templates can be personalized further! Now user-specific colors can be selected.
- To save more time when creating invoices, users can set a default template for all future invoices. One can also access the last created invoice.
- When creating an invoice, one can set a fixed price for expenses or time entries to save time spent on entering the information over again.
Version 6.5.0
- Numerous points in the task planning have been optimized, which improve the user experience. One can reduce the user interface by hiding target and actual hours according to the working time model, duty roster or task planning.
- Users can hide the view of availabilities, as well as show and hide the display of tooltips. This way you can see only what is necessary and get a better overview.
- When exporting a timesheet to PDF, you can now see who retrieved it last.
- To further personalize and authorize the timesheet, it is now possible to add a signature.
Version 6.4.8
- Now users can create customizable widgets in the TimeTrack dashboard, thanks to which they can always keep track of the most important information, such as with the widget for absence requests, project times, or with the status overview and timesheet overview.
Version 6.4.7
- The control report is available under the reporting in the beta version.
- Preparations have been made for the dashboard release for next week.
- If users record their attendances in a third-party system, they can now import them into TimeTrack under Settings > General > Data import. This saves you hours of time.
- You can access the Info Center directly from the software under Help to get support for a specific feature even faster.
- Bug fixes and optimizations have been made to the invoicing process. Template change totals calculation, document title and hourly rate grouping have been improved, further enhancing the user experience.
Version 6.4.4
- Optimizations in the LexOffice export. In addition, the grouping of invoices is now taken into account.
- Optimization of the absence calendar
- A list view has been added to the absence calendar, where the weeks are displayed.
- Absences can be created, edited, approved and rejected via the absence calendar.
- The names of employees can be sorted.
- Days off and holidays are displayed in the calendar and can be shown or hidden.
- The names of the employees can be sorted in the appointment planning.
Version 6.4.2
- Optimization of the break regulation for surcharge calculation.
- Improvements to the project time clock have been made
- Changes in the week view can be undone
- Explanatory videos for the duty roster, schedule and task list have been implemented
- All reported bugs have been fixed
Version 6.3.4
- Improvement of the timesheet: Now the overtime balance, remaining vacation and sick leave can be viewed for the respective month
- Optimizations in the creation of attendances for other employees
- Mobile Android App: Implementation of the duty roster and appointment planning features
Version 6.3.0
You can now create teams, which team leaders can manage, provided they have been assigned the authorization.
Version 6.2.4
The vacation overview has been extended. Now you can view the planned, taken and remaining paid leave days.
Version 6.2.0
- Optimizations in project time recording: In the weekly view, one can display the attendances next to the project times. This makes it easy to keep track of project times and working hours at the same time.
- Multi-absence request in absence management: You can now assign an absence to groups as well as to individuals. Thus, multiple absence requests can be created at the same time. This is particularly convenient for company vacations or Christmas leave.
- Templates for invoicing: Invoice templates can now be created for invoicing. Here you can create personalized templates for invoices and then use them at any time. In invoicing, you can also group customers, projects, activities or employees.
- Improved task planning: When planning tasks, the availability of employees can be displayed. Thus, tasks can be scheduled according to the availability of the employees. In addition, skills can now be created when creating a task.
Version 6.1.12
Optimization of the user interface for duty scheduling and task planning.
Version 6.1.9
- More options are available to display the first visible time.
- The selection of locations in the duty roster has been optimized.
Version 6.1.8
When editing the calendar view, it is now possible to define the first visible hour. This can be specified in the project times, attendances and availabilities.
Version 6.1.7
- Small errors regarding the import of attendances have been fixed.
- The DATEV and BMD interfaces with TimeTrack have been optimized.
Version 6.1.6
The ability to configure TimeTrack and BMD has been implemented. Now companies can export timesheets as a text file and upload them to BMD. This saves time which would have otherwise been spent entering the times manually.
Version 6.1.5
The “Sort” function has been added to the task planning. Now you can sort by the name of the employee or by the number of assigned hours in ascending or descending order.
Version 6.1.4
- The function “automatic assignment” was added to the duty roster, which calculates the ideal duty roster for users based on individual configurations.
Version 6.1.3
- Task scheduling has been improved: optimization in the display of activity assignments.
Version 6.1.2
- Filters for billable and non-billable hours in reports and analyses have been implemented
Version 6.1.1
- Optimization of the onboarding process for new clients and customers.
- Admins will now see the latest release updates.
Version 6.1.0
- The absence calendar and attendance calendar are no longer in beta, reported optimizations have been implemented and bugs have been fixed.
- The onboarding process for new customers when setting up TimeTrack has been improved.
- The performance of the employee overview has been optimized.
Version 6.0.25
- The planning module is no longer in beta.
- All reported bugs have been fixed.
- The customer feedback has been implemented.
Version 6.0.24
Beta version: In the menu item Vacation > Absence > Calendar there is now a timeline next to the calendar view. In the timeline, you can view the absences of all employees according to month, quarter or a user-defined period.
Beta version: Under Working hours > Attendances you can directly enter your attendances in the newly added calendar view, which will then automatically appear in the list overview.
Version 6.0.21
- Now the employee’s personnel number is also displayed on the PDF timesheet.
- Errors in the calculation of breaks in the iOS mobile app have been fixed.
- General optimizations of the web application have been made.
Version 6.0.19
The performance of the employee overview for companies with 50+ users has been improved in the Web App.
Version 6.0.18
The user report has been adjusted. The target number of hours for employees in the current year is to date and not for the entire year.
Version 6.0.17
The PDF export of the charges of time entries and expenses was expanded by an “employee” column.
Version 6.0.16
The user report was added to the Web App feature ‘reporting‘.
Version 6.0.13
- In the Web App, the start times of attendances recorded with the time clock can now be edited.
- User right templates are now visible when editing users.
- The display of vacations has been corrected in the Android App. Now holidays are also taken into account.