Thanks to the project planning in TimeTrack, the project performance can be easily set up and personalized. To do so, go to data adminsitration > projects and select the project you want to track. Click on “Enable project performance” under “Project planning and performance“. A new tab appears where you can define the overall project plan or the project target.
In the corresponding fields, enter the project duration in hours and the project budget in euros. Next to the fields, the project duration and project budget are automatically and respectively converted to euros and hours according to the hourly rate of your project.
If you want to plan in more detail, click on “Show detailed project planning“. Two additional fields will appear where you can specify the tasks and expenses.
If you click on “Use only these taks for this project“, employees can only use the activities you have selected for a project. This way you avoid ambiguities and mistakes on the part of the employees, who could otherwise charge for all kinds of activities.
The hourly rate is normally taken from your project. If you use a global activity, the hourly rate of the activity is used. For a newly created activity, the hourly rate is calculated using planned budget and planned hours.
Specify both the duration and the budget for the activity. Optionally, you can enter notes. Click on “Add” when you have entered all the information.
To schedule tasks, you can either create them from scratch or import them. If you want to create them from scratch, enter the name of the new task under “task“. The entry will be applied immediately. To import scheduled tasks, you must upload a CSV file. This must contain four columns and be structured as follows: activity;duration;budget;notes. For example: Test;12;600;Test Notes
To assign an expense, click in the field “Expense” and define it’s name. Then enter the budget and optionally notes. Afterwards, save the expense using “Add“. Repeat the process until you have not documented all expenses.
Click on “Update” when you are done with all your entries.
You can also have TimeTrack track your budget. To do this, go to the Project Time Tracking settings and click on “Project Performance“. Then click on “Budget performance” to activate the budget tracking bar for the project, tasks and expenses in the project time tracking menu.
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